Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: Preventive Security

    • Introduction: Preventive Security

    • Quiz: Preventive Security

  • 2

    The Hostile Planning Process

    • Initial Collection of Information

    • Quiz: Initial Collection of Information

    • Analysis Planning & Training

    • Quiz: Analysis, Planning & Training

    • Execution

    • Quiz: Execution

    • Case Studies

    • Quiz: Case Studies

  • 3

    Disrupting The Hostile Planning Process

    • Disrupting The Hostile Planning Process

    • Quiz: Disrupting The Hostile Planning Process

  • 4

    The Outer Circle

  • 5

    The Inner Circle

    • Establishing a Secure Start 1

    • Quiz: Establishing a Secure Start 1

    • Establishing a Secure Start 2

    • Maintaining Security - Access Control

    • Quiz: Maintaining Security - Access Control

  • 6

    The Inner & Outer Circle Relationship

    • The Inner & Outer Circle Relationship

    • Quiz: The Inner & Outer Circle Relationship

  • 7

    Facility vs Event Security

    • Facility vs Event Security

    • Quiz: Facility vs Event Security

  • 8

    Customer Service

    • Customer Service

  • 9


    • Supervision

Social proof: testimonials

Great course!

Country Security Manager

A lot of good stuff, a must for all working in security!

An Expertly Made Course

Jim Garrett: Intelligence & Security Expert

Ami knows exactly what he is talking about. He's giving the tried and true methods while also introducing realistic goals instead of unrealistic goals in intelligence that are sometimes featured in the school houses of various agencies.

Appropriate title which delivered what it promised


The course was concise and full of actionable information/techniques.